Pasaule. Eiropa. Ukraina
Zemestrīcē Tibetā vismaz 126 bojāgājušie
08.01.2025 Ķīnā Tibetas autonomajā reģionā otrdien notika spēcīga zemestrīce, un tajā gājuši bojā vismaz 126 cilvēki, vēsta Ķīnas mediji.Gandrīz 200 cilvēki ir ievainoti.
Pazemes grūdieni bija jūtami arī Nepālas galvaspilsētā Katmandu un atsevišķos Indijas rajonos.
6,8 magnitūdu zemestrīce notika Dinri apriņķī pie Nepālas robežas plkst.9.05 (plkst.3.05 pēc Latvijas laika), ziņoja Ķīnas Zemestrīču tīklu centrs.
ASV Ģeoloģiskais dienests reģistrēja 7,1 magnitūdas zemestrīci.
Zemestrīces epicentra tuvumā Dinri apriņķī sagruva daudzas ēkas. Šis apriņķis ar 62 000 iedzīvotāju atrodas Everesta kalna Ķīnas pusē.
Postījumi nodarīti vairāk nekā 1000 māju, vēsta ziņu aģentūra "Siņhua".
"Dingri apriņķī un tā apkārtnē bija ļoti spēcīgi grūdieni, un daudzas ēkas epicentra tuvumā ir sabrukušas," ziņo valsts raidorganizācija CCTV.
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It all began with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I had invested $152,000 in what I thought was a promising cryptocurrency venture, only to realize too late that it was a sophisticated scam. I felt like I had lost everything—my hard-earned money, my confidence, and my hope, I tried everything I could think of to recover my funds. I reached out to the platform’s support (which no longer existed), But every door I knocked on seemed to lead to a dead end. The world of cryptocurrency, with its anonymity and decentralization, felt like a labyrinth designed to keep me trapped in my loss, as I scoured the internet for any glimmer of hope, I stumbled upon Dexdert Net Pro. At first, I was skeptical. I had seen countless recovery services promising to retrieve lost funds, only to discover they were scams themselves. But something about Dexdert Net Pro felt different. Their website was professional, their team was transparent, and they had a track record of success stories that seemed genuine. Desperate I decided to take a chance, I reached out to Dexdert Net Pro and explained my situation. To my surprise, they responded quickly and with genuine empathy. Their team of experts, specializing in blockchain technology and cyber investigations, took the time to understand the details of my case. They asked for all the relevant information—transaction records, communication with the scammers, and any other evidence I could provide, Dexdert Net Pro worked tirelessly on my case. Throughout the process, they kept me informed, providing regular updates and answering my questions with patience and clarity, Dexdert Net Pro successfully recovered my lost Bitcoin. I couldn’t believe it. The $152,000 I thought was gone forever was being returned to me. The relief and gratitude I felt were overwhelming. Dexdert Net Pro had not only reclaimed my funds but also restored my faith in the possibility of justice in the digital age, I realize how fortunate I was to find Dexdert Net Pro, Their expertise, dedication, and integrity turned what seemed like an impossible situation into a story of redemption. If you ever find yourself in a similar predicament, I can’t recommend Dexdert Net Pro enough. They truly are the best in the business.
Email:([email protected]) Telegram:(@Dexdertprorecovery) Sīkāk...
Email:([email protected]) Telegram:(@Dexdertprorecovery) Sīkāk...
Rēzeknes pašvaldība pārskatīs braukšanas maksas atvieglojumus
Nevar būt, tur taču zelta elksniņš, kurš glābs arī Rēzekni... Sīkāk...
Rēzeknes pašvaldība pārskatīs braukšanas maksas atvieglojumus
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